Support the First* Broadway Plan Apartments
The first 4 apartment buildings under the Broadway Plan are facing a public hearing this Tuesday. Expressing your support via the City's comment form just takes a minute (registering to speak is even better)! There isn't even much to say: these are nice buildings that serve a desperate need in high-demand locations; they should be able to get built in more places and without needing to jump through so many hoops! Consider sending a quick note in support of:
6. 2156-2174 West 14th Ave
Why it's good:
- 170 secured rental homes close to Broadway and the new SkyTrain line.
- 20% of homes (20% of floor space) permanently below market, 20% below CMHC average for all apartments (not just new-build rents).
- A small local retail unit on the ground floor for a more complete neighbourhood.
- Close to Arbutus Greenway, great for active transit, and just 5 short blocks from the Arbutus subway station.
7. 2175 West 7th Avenue
- 182 secured rental homes.
- 20% of the floor area secured for below market homes (approximately 35 units).
- Broadway Plan tenant relocation policy: Tenants displaced by the building demolition receive a rent top-up while displaced and can return to the new building at their same rent, or 20% below CMHC average, whichever is lower.
- Limited car parking with sufficient bike parking encourages more public & active transit use in this central area near SkyTrain. Less parking means less traffic.
- Close to Arbutus Greenway and Delmont Park; great for active transit!
4. CD-1 Rezoning: 523-549 East 10th Ave
- 175 secured market rental homes
- 20% of the rental homes (by floor area) permanently below market.
- Childcare centre for 25 children, which, like housing, we desperately need more of in Vancouver.
- On the 10th Avenue bikeway; great for living & for active transit.
Limited car parking with sufficient bike parking encourages more public & active transit use in this central area near SkyTrain. Less parking means less traffic.
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2024 BC Election Platform Comparison
The BC NDP Housing Platform - link
We rate the NDP platform best overall as they have brought in some meaningful zoning mandates and shown a willingness to bear the tiresome whining from (some) municipalities.
That said, they have allowed cities significant leeway in implementing these policies which takes away from their effectiveness, and their transit-oriented areas, the only policy that explicitly requires allowing apartment buildings, is quite limited in geographic scope. Residents of BC are right to be frustrated that the NDP have only this year, toward the end of their second term in government, enacted meaningful legislation to address housing supply.
The NDP has otherwise admirably shown a willingness to throw everything and the kitchen sink at addressing the housing crisis.
The BC Conservatives Housing Platform - link
The Conservative platform makes some aggressive and important commitments on removing barriers, permitting delays and limiting fees. It ultimately comes up short for us due to their commitment to repeal mandatory multiplex zoning in cities and John Rustad’s appeals early in the campaign to the “local control” which has largely created our housing crisis. It is unclear, beyond zoning for triplexes & 4-plexes, exactly how much of the recent reforms the Conservatives would repeal; they have said they will not repeal legislation requiring cities to allow apartments near rapid transit, but that legislation relies on mandatory housing targets to be effective.
The fastest permitting in the world will not add housing if all that can legally be built in a city is what is already there. It is difficult to take criticisms of the NDP’s slowness to act seriously when the Conservatives are simultaneously promising to roll back the clock on some of the most meaningful reforms in Canada.
The BC Greens Housing Platform - link
The Green platform hinges on directing a large amount of building capacity to the non-profit sector, 26,000 homes/year, which is around half of BC's total annual housing starts in recent years. It is not clear from their plan how they intend to make this work, beyond “partnering with municipalities.” They also promise counterproductive property transfer taxes on REITs (real estate investment trusts), who provide funding in the current housing system that helps get more housing built, keeping rents lower than they would be otherwise.
Much More after the jump...
Read moreGet Your "Legalize Housing" T-Shirts
With a Provincial election coming up, housers need to do what we can to reinforce public awareness of the continued need to address the systemic barriers to housing affordability in British Columbia. What better way to do that than with a simple slogan that challenges the basic assumptions of our “free market” housing? E-mail us by Aug. 25th to order yours! [Note: please read ordering info below]
Walkthrough: Rupert & Renfrew Plan Survey July'24
The big Rupert & Renfrew Area Plan is now in draft form and the City of Vancouver is looking for your feedback. Here's a simple guide to pushing them towards making housing in Vancouver more affordable and available. You can read the draft plan here. SURVEY CLOSES JULY 31st, ACT NOW!
According to our city planners, the big moves in the Station Areas include:
- Housing: Increase housing choice and affordability with new housing types and tenures. Apartment buildings will be allowed with heights tallest near the stations and tapering down as buildings get further away: up to 40 storeys closest to the stations, up to 25 storeys in Tier 2, and up to 20 storeys in Tier 3. Incentives encourage market rental and prioritize below market rental units: to build to 40 storeys the project must include 20% of units at below market rents.
- Childcare: Provide incentives, like more height and housing units, to market rental housing developments that include childcare facilities.
- Transportation: Improve accessibility and connectivity to the stations and across the plan area with improved existing rail crossings, new greenways, and wider sidewalks.
- Shops and Services: Require ground-floor space for shops and services in new mixed-use buildings near the stations, at major intersections and along main roads. The shops and services could include shops, restaurants, pharmacies, or cafes with outdoor seating.
- Protect Still Creek: Limit underground structures, including parkades, to maintain groundwater flows to Still Creek.
On Mandated Multiplexes, Vancouver Somehow Does Less than the Bare Minimum
Kits Point and Shaughnessy are both centrally located neighbourhoods that have extremely restrictive zoning. But when Vancouver legalized multiplexes last year, both these neighbourhoods were EXCLUDED.
Now the Province is stepping in and making Vancouver legalize multiplexes in these areas. While we’re happy the Province is making the City do something, the bottom line is that multiplexes aren’t nearly good enough in these areas.
Look at Kits Point. It is minutes away from Downtown, and right beside it the Squamish Nation is building 6,000 homes on just 11 acres at Senakw. That shows what housing demand in that area actually is. While the Squamish Nation is busy building thousands of homes, the City has to be dragged against its will to legalize just 3 or 4 homes on a lot.
A small apartment building under construction in (Second) Shaughnessy
Read moreLet's Support Homes at the Jericho Lands!
Let’s Show Some Support to the Jericho Lands!
After five years of planning and consultation, the Jericho Lands Policy Statement is finally coming to Vancouver Council on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. This is the time to show your support for this exciting and forward-looking proposal!
Read moreVancouver Needs a Shaughnessy Plan… and So Does Shaughnessy!
An important motion will be considered by Vancouver City Council on Wednesday, to initiate the process to update zoning policies in the Shaughnessy neighbourhood. Your voice is needed; jump to the end of this post to see how to contact Council to express your support.
Shaughnessy is a historic area of Vancouver, but fewer people have been enjoying that heritage as the population has consistently dropped over the past half century, and many heritage houses have been replaced with new mansions anyway. In fact, despite starting with the lowest population density of any neighbourhood, it shrank more than any other neighbourhood in the last census count.
Transit-Oriented Development and Proximity to Jobs:
The provincial government just announced they are mandating zoning for apartments near SkyTrain stations. This is sensible, the SkyTrain network is a big public investment and more people living near stations will allow many of them to use cars less, or not own a car at all.
Read moreMultiplexes? MEH.
Multiplexes? 🤷 Meh
On September 14, 2023, Vancouver will hold a public hearing for the proposed multiplex policy. If approved, plexes between 3 to 6 units, depending on the size of the lot, will be allowed in theory across the city’s RS (“single family”) zones.
Click HERE to skip to our sample letter to Vancouver City Council.
And click HERE to our sample letter for your local MLA.
AHV has been advocating for multiplexes (and more) for years. We supported the City’s move to allow duplexes in 2018, partly because allowing multiplexes appeared to be the obvious next step – one that might come quickly. But we also knew then what is even more obvious now: Vancouver needs to legalize apartments everywhere. We cannot afford policy baby steps when the housing crisis is growing by leaps and bounds.
Douglas Park Daycare
The city recently rejected 8 badly needed daycare spots right by Douglas Park, and we need your help to fight back so this doesn't happen again.
Are you looking for daycare? If you are, you know how hard it is to find in Vancouver.
Vancouver is a "childcare desert" -- one of the worst in Canada! There's an estimated shortage of at least 15,000 daycare spots.
This puts the squeeze on families who are trying to build a life in Vancouver. And a lack of childcare disproportionately harms women and makes it difficult for them to maintain their careers.
Combined with housing unaffordability, no wonder so many neighbourhoods in Vancouver are seeing big decreases in the amount of kids living in them! Families are being driven out of the city.
You'd think the city would be doing everything it could to encourage more daycare. Instead, Byzantine city by-laws make it virtually impossible to open new daycare spots.
Even worse, the city prioritizes NIMBY complaints over the needs of families.
Read on below to learn about how NIMBYs fought to kill daycare spots at Douglas Park, and why this example is just a symptom of a larger problem. There's a tl;dr at the end you can jump to.
(And don't forget to sign up to our email list to keep up to date on opportunities to advocate for a better Vancouver!)
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Jericho Will Be Loved by 7 Generations. We Also Need It Now
Your support is needed to bring the MST Nations plan for ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw (Ee-’YUL-mough), AKA the Jericho Lands, to fruition. Fill out the City's engagement survey here by July 15. We recommend:
- "really like it" for all answers (even if you want to see more, as lesser support will be interpreted as wanting less).
- Question 9: Mention that the single-family area on the South side of 8th Ave should be rezoned for apartments; buildings on the Jericho site should not have to "transition" to detached houses so close to a SkyTrain station. More housing and amenities should be allowed at Jericho than what is proposed.
- Question 13: Something like "This plan is an inspired vision that addresses the urgent need to build more housing in complete, active, vibrant neighbourhoods. Please expedite this and the SkyTrain extension so that it can be built ASAP." "I want to live here"
- Say whatever else you think, but don't forget to mention what you like! It will be a very green, open site that is permeable to pedestrians and active transit. Underground parking will likely be accessed at the perimeter, limiting traffic and providing a much better pedestrian experience.
See further resources at the end of this post.
What are the Jericho Lands? What is the Plan?
ʔəy҆alməxʷ/Iy҆álmexw/Jericho Lands has always been a place of arrival and kinship. Before colonization, we welcomed people here for trade, bartering, and gathering. Welcome figures stood at places of arrival, while house posts at the entrances of homes told visitors which families lived here.
Even though our ancestors were forced to leave, ʔəy᾽ alməxʷ/Iy᾽ álmexw/Jericho Lands will be a place that welcomes all. We are resilient. The neighbourhood will let people know that this is our land, and we are here to share it with others. [page 43 of info boards PDF]
The Jericho Lands are 90 acres of lightly-developed land in the West Point Grey neighbourhood, between Downtown and UBC, with easy access to the growing jobs centre on Broadway. The site concept (PDF) is to create a vibrant new SkyTrain-oriented community with 13,000 homes, lots of open space, and good connectivity for pedestrians and active transport users, complete with park space, public school, supermarket, retail, jobs space, and even a hotel. It will be welcoming to all and be a low-carbon community and Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh "symbols, patterns, artwork, and language would be
embedded throughout all aspects of the neighbourhood."