Rezone Kerrisdale!
A Kerrisdale church building below-market rentals faces fierce opposition from incumbent homeowners who are organizing to prevent new housing in a wealthy neighbourhood. Be sure to check out the open house at the Ryerson Memorial Centre in Kerrisdale between 5 and 8 PM on February 27 to make sure they aren't the only voices in the room!
Ryerson United Church, like many aging churches, seeks to make better use of their property and provide more affordable housing, and have partnered with developers to build:
Legalize Housing!
Apartments - even low-rises - are illegal to build on 76% of Vancouver's residential land.
Vancouver's outdated zoning severely restricts where relatively affordable, multi-family housing can be built, preserving the most desirable areas of Vancouver for only the wealthy.
Abundant Housing Vancouver is a local group that believes adding housing is part of the solution to the housing crisis in our city. This is based on the common-sense idea that, if there is more housing for people, more people will have housing.
If you'd like to drive real change in housing affordability, JOIN US (form on right).